Toy Story Replicas (No trading-related posts please)

Pretty sure he doesnt. They have a gap between the fingers making them appear separated, but its still all one piece. You might get one index finger if we’re lucky.

I dont know why you’d want to display Zurg in a box that says in big bold text “BUZZ LIGHTYEAR”.

Maybe the someone in the fanbase can step up to the plate and create a custom one?

We’re hoping to Emma. Time will tell.

Reread my post. I said Im putting the Buzz in the buzz box :stuck_out_tongue: And if you look at the pics, i believe its the one with the kid, his inde finger is posed differently than in the other pics which is why I think they have some articulation.

Whoops, your right, I misread. Yeah that should work. Its what I did with my 90s buzz since I needed some kind of buzz to go in the box, and I didnt want to keep the TSC one locked up like that.

And yeah, the index finger was what I was referring to about being lucky. But its just one finger, like any non TSC buzz. Just don’t expect TSC level finger articulation where every finger can move independent. I don’t think its likely with this kind of pricing.

Edit: theory on Zurg’s balls (lol) is it possible they dont shoot at all? the description says it sends them spinning. Maybe the button simply spins a series of balls on a wheel type thing in the pack, not shooting them but spining while making a “pop” sound.

My birthday is coming up in a week, so I’ll have money to spend. :smiley:

I’ve just bought it online!! Hopefully it will be here very soon! :smiley:

I’ve heard from a fellow collector that their disney store is experiencing shipping delays due to the storms on the east coast of the USA, I know you’re in the UK but it might effect that too.

I doubt they would do it, but they could always include a collapsed version of the box that you can set up to be film accurate

At that point they might as well sell it in the box.

True. Though toy companies have done similar things in the past.

I can’t wait to get this buzz but shipping to uk is nearly as much as the toy lol.
Also I am still going to keep my toy story 2 thinkaway zurg in its box :slight_smile:

At this point, I can’t really see the disney store doing a pete/Jessie combo

I think it’s definitely possible to see a talking Hamm though, unless they were all in on the old Hamm Bank.

I also find it possible down the line to release a bigger chuckles plush (like the bean bag peas and big peas). Might be oversized, but has potential to look pretty good

and who knows, they could come out with something CRAZY like a Rex/Trixie combo?

Thatd be pretty killer

Yer I can see all them being done .
The Hamm bank was pretty cool tho. I do love my Hamm.
I suppose we will have to wait a little while now until anything else comes out :frowning:

I disagree, I think a pete/jessie combo could happen. Jessie is THE female toy story character, they already have a basic jessie, and they usually try to cover both genders. What other villain could come with Jessie? Possibly Stretch I guess. I think the chuckles is a definite possibility. I think they’d release the jessie/pete combo before they’d do a rex/trixie set. It’d be massive and expensive for them to produce.

I disagree about the price. Zurg/Buzz combo is $50, each would sell for $25…Rex sells for $25…i imagine trixie wouldnt be that far off from that mark.

While I agree that they USUALLY release a buzz, woody, and jessie version of everything, I would imagine the Jessie set would be out with them and Pete possibly seen at the showcase. I don’t discount the possbility, but would really wonder why they waited after christmas to release her and pete. While the thought occured to me when i initially saw the woody/lotso set, the evidence just isnt there yet.

My thought wioth rex and trixie is the sheer cost of packaging and plastic to sell them together for 50 bucks. I could much easier see them selling a trixie by herself. If the wanted to, they could turn these 2 packs into a small series. They have enough characters they could pull from to do a few more.

The key though is to sell a character that a no brainer, guaranteed to sell, with another character that might be seen as a bit of a risk to sell alone, but is logical enough that the same kid would also want. Thats the pattern Im seeing with the two so far. Jessie probably sells decent enough on her own to girls, but what girl would also want stinky Pete? Not trying to generalize, any girls here of course are exceptions, we’re way more fanatical than your average little girl, But we’re talking about an old stinky man doll. It would probably just hold sales of Jessie back than push them.

Rex and Trixie make a lot of sense, they’ve been inseparable since they met in the movie, and got that chemistry thing going on. This is a set that would appeal to both genders. Rex isn’t overly masculine, and Trixie isn’t too girly. Its the perfect combo pack because no one is alienated, unless your talking about a girl that just hates all thing dinosaurs, which is more common than with boys, but still.
They probably could justify the cost just fine if they didn’t go the thinkway route and stuff them full of electronics, but they consider that a risk it itself I guess, which is a shame.

Would we even like the results of these combos though? I mean, so far the only one worth talking about is Zurg. Everything else has been done better already. And I’m sure a thinkway zurg would have been better. Not just packaging wise either.

Trixie would be less plastic that rex, but likely more packaging would be involved I suppose

I also think a few combo could be pulled off. They currently have 6 full sized individual figures:

From a marketing stand point, grouping new versions (lotso) or new characters (zurg) with preexisiting characters makes the most sense
I’d love for it to become a line:


Jessie could leave open anything…stretch (bad guy female), dolly (female), pete (with bullseye getting someone else, buttercup perhaps).

Disney could make MAJOR bank, by not only releasing characters that arent available BUT packaging them with characters many have already bought and get two sales. This scenario seems more likely than them trying to help us out, there is major money to be had

Also, I’m aware they already released a hamm bank…perfect for display or collectors. But the only full sized, plastic, hence playable, and probably talking hamm bank on the market would likely go over well, I’d think. It’s still a bummer thinkways was cancelled.

To be honest do we really think there will be a new toy story toy in the next year or so worth buying??

If it wasn’t a working bank, they could make his cork the button. I’d probably display that. I was thinking about Big Baby, but I dont think Disney would do a full sized one.