Toy Story Replicas (No trading-related posts please)

Bickity BAM! Got the shipping notice! AND I found a guy (actually, he is a member here, Buzzlightyear3000), who MADE a box, but I haven’t been able to get ahold of him… YET… hopefully in a day or 2.

Now there’s an idea, where can you but that from I wonder?

Glow in the dark paint? I think most hobby shops like hobby lobby have it. The only down side is it takes a few coats to really have the effect…

my 2 pack buzz has eyes looking off to the left which bugs me lol. Also, because of the karate chop the right arm is kinda useless

The arm still has almost full range of motion. The feature has a little “lock” for the arm to stay down, too. And the elbow can move completely… The only point the right arm doesn’t have is the outward bicep… This is to say if the 2 pack version really is like the normal Disney store version.

Howdy Folks,
Does anybody own an extra blue, cheetah-print shirt, that Ken wears, that they would be willing to sell to me?

Please, feel free to P.M me if interested!

Well yeah but its either straight up which is fairly useless or down and locked. Nothing in between. I much prefer tsc buzz.

My TSC Buzz broke :frowning: I’ll have to buy another. I let my little brother borrow him (trust me I was forced to) and the kid threw Buzz off a balcony to see if he would “fly”

Sorry had to chuckle at the last bit, guess he didn’t reach for the sky lol!

That kid needs to take a closer look at the dang movie. Did sids house teach him nothing???

Cant really be mad at the little guy though, hes only 5.

Aww how cute buy it from ToysRUs it’s cheaper. … 051204012P

Anybody ever seen this? I wonder how the scale is on him.

Those wheezy figures are widely seen on Ebay mainly as part of figure bundles, they are small though !

I think this is different than what your thinking of. He is part of the 6 inch line so he cant be that small.

Hey guys been gone a little while busy preparing for Thanksgiving… I’ve never seen that Wheezy like Oreo said it has to be at least 6 inches so it’s a good size but it’s not accurate enough for me.

I already have the real squeaky wheezy, but if this was common, it sure beats the plush versions

my Weezy really squeaks… I got him used in a 25 cent box (NO JOKE!)…

Anyway, can someone resize THIS?!

The buzz thing is to help show how much bigger the proportions need to be. someone, please help!

Go HERE and click on “Download Image” to get the full file.

Im not sure I understand how the buzz thing is supposed to help, I must be missing something.
But that definitely looks like something we can work with. Are you wanting a full on vector recreation of that? I think I can do it.

I guess, the idea was, the buzz is supposed to be his actual size, so the box would need to be resize to him… I actually have a friend that resized it all, I am going to try and take it tomorrow/this week to get it printed. :slight_smile: