Violet's Non-Pixar Art

I really appriciate your dog sketches. As a fellow artist, I know the difficulties of making realistic looking animals, especially dogs which humans are so familier with. Your sketches show an air of character, which I really like. Great job! Have you ever tried your hand at drawing a cat?

EJE- Thank you so much! I’m glad you get something from these pictures and the characters. And, I know,I didn’t put a discrption in the first time, so the first one is an Akida, anyd the second one, if I remember correctly, is a mix of Alaskan Klee Kai, Bernese Mountain Dog, Australian Shrepherd, and Chow. And, yes, I did a small sketch of a cat once. It looked alright, but I need mopre practice. Thanks again!

That’s a fine mix, I love Australian Shepards, I have one. I hope you share your cat sketch sometime.

Ah, cool! I like Aussies. They’re beautiful dogs. And I might share the cat picture; but when I said it was a little sketch, I ment it. They’re just doodles. But then again, sometimes doodles are awesome. I’ll see what I can do :wink: .

Doodles and sketches are my personal favorite! I love graphite lines.

^Me, too :mrgreen: !

Anyway, I’m long over due for another update.

Okay, so these are due to a resent bout of fandom for X-Men: Evolution. This is a freaking awesome show! My favorites were Rogue, Kurt, and X-23. I have yet to do Laura (X-23), but here are Kurt and Rogue:

Okay, if anyone has watched this show a lot, you know Kurt loves his burgers. This is supposed to be him getting caught raiding the fridge. A case of the mid-night munchies, probably :wink: .

Apparently, Rogue fell asleep on the couch :unamused: . I think I’ll draw Kurt in there later. He’s probably gonna wake her up. Don’t think she’ll be happy about that…

These are all shots from the episode “Self-Possessed,” where Rogue has something of an “overload” on her powers from absorbing too many personalities. It was one of my favorite episodes. I really like how these turned out. Oh, and something I just realized that I should probably comment on, her skirt is NOT torn, it’s leather and supposed to be shiny :wink: .

Please, let me know what you think :slight_smile: ! I’ll probably update within a reasonable time, this time.

Excellent VIolet Parr! I love the characters, and you drew them incredibly. I love the Rogue pics.

Thanks a lot :smiley: ! I figured you would! I’ll probably do more later.

Oh wow, can’t wait for those either.

I don’t know the characters but I do know that you’re extremely skilled at drawing human characters. Keep it up, your art is awesome! :smiley:

Thanks a ton :smiley: ! I hope to post more soon. It seems that the art sections of PP aren’t very active lately, sadly :cry: .

Wonderful job! I really enjoy your artwork.

I love it. :smiley:

Awesome Vi!! I love the detail and shading. I loves Rogue. <3

Thank you guys! I really appreciate it :smiley: ! And, Virginia, yeah, so do I <3 …

Okay! So, long over-due update! And I’ve got plenty…

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This was a trade with Blonde-Hurricane96 on DA . Her characters for mine :wink: . These are her characters, Val and her Mom, Nixie. I thought I’d play on their talents for this picture, and have Nixie swimming with Val flying overhead. No particular reason they’re doing this, just to spend time together. I thought it would be a sweet Mother/Daughter moment.

Now, this could’ve come out better, and I’m sad it didn’t. I messed up Val’s hair with the stinking blue marker! Ugh! And Nixie’s lines got messed up :frowning: . And, I had to enhance it digitally a little bit. But, for the most part, this was just pencil and marker. As for the background, I just went off what my brain created after reading her story. I don’t know if there’s a cattle or large sea anywhere near the Creature Clan. If not, maybe there one vacation :laughing:

Creature Clan, Valda, and Nixie are copyright Blonde-Hurricane96 :slight_smile:

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This is Amber’s dog. Copyright, me. Done with DA Muro. Yeah, that’s about it for this one :laughing: … I love this one a lot, but there’s not much to say.

Okay, so, this next batch is from a story I’m currently working on for a comic series. This is mine, so no takey! I hope you like them. And any feedback would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile: <3 !

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The Original UNS (Unnamed Supers). From left to right:

Top: Jeremy, the leader - powers: made of platinum; Don, the muscle - powers: super strength; Deasys (with old version of Jethro), the deceptively dangerous one - powers: semi- or non-controllable telekinesis
Bottom: Frankie “Glitz” Gambino, in short, the bad guy - powers: whatever his goons are willing to do for him; Param, the one that didn’t wanna do it - powers: telekinetic wings and telepathy; Janet, “I’m just helping.” - powers: none. Just helping.

I’ll probably post more about them later :slight_smile: . Sorry for the poor quality. This is an old sketch.

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This is the main character for the first few arcs. Quick Bio:

Name: Deasys Camp (formerly, Valdis Solemn)
Age: (current) 13
Height: 5’4"
Weight: 101 lbs. (a little less than she should)
Powers: Telekinesis that only activates when she’s sleeping or having a seizure
Personality: Careful at first, but very happy and funny, and even a bit mischievous when she gets relaxed.
History: Suffers from epilepsy. Frequently losses control of her powers. Lived with mother, who suffered from a drug problem. Was abandoned at age 12 when her powers activated during a seizure at a mini-mart. Homeless for quite some time, living out of a run-down sleeper (from a tractor-tailor), with Jethro, her dog that she fou-- that found her. Found a year after mini-mart seizure by the “Unnamed Supers,” and taken in by them.
Relationships: Jeremy, leader of Unnamed supers; Janet, the sit-in; Don, the “muscle”; (later) Param, the new kid. But she’s closest to Jethro, who she’s found to have the ability to sense when she is about to have a seizure.
Weaknesses: Little to no control over powers, lack of experience
Likes: God, dogs, prank-pulling, computers, food
Dislikes: When people are judgmental to ANYONE, breed discrimination, being yelled at, viruses, being hungry
Favorite Time-Killer: Playing with Jethro, writing

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More Deasys :smiley: ! This time with her dog, Jethro. He’s, 1/4 GSD, 1/8 Rottie, 1/8 Dobie, 1/8 Kelpi, 1/8 American Pitty, 1/8 Thai Ridgeback, and the last 1/8-- Justice, Kobalt’s (Violet’s Kobalt) daughter !!! Kobalt is 3/8 GSD, 3/8 Sibe, 1/8 Timber Wolf, 1/8 Border Collie (as of now :unamused: ), and was mated (accidentally) to a Border Collie, who had Justice. Violet wanted to work with dogs while fighting crime, and agreed to work with a responsible specialty breeder and dog trainer. Three generations later, one of the pups was abandoned by his owner (of course Violet and the breeder didn’t keep them all), and lived as a stray, until he met a certain young super in the same predicament as him. Deasys named him Jethro, and they’ve been inseparable ever since. And since he can predict when she’ll have a seizure, he goes with her everywhere.

I’d like to note that while I defiantly think you should check shelters before you buy from a breeder, I have no problem with responsible dog breeders/breed developers (as I’d like to develop a new breed someday). The fault for letting Jethro go was solely on his owner. Not Violet or the breeder.

All different poses for Deasys. Hoping it shows her personality pretty well.

Please, if you can, take the time to read the descriptions. I’d really, REALLY love some critiuqes so it can be as good as possible. Thanks for lookin’ <3 ! God Bless!

I’m not sure if anyone has said this before but when did you start drawing, how old were you? When did you relize it was a talent of yours. Just curious.

Your welcome! :slight_smile:

Wonderful artwork! I really like the colors on the first one. I really like The Unnamed Supers.
The drawings of Deasys and her dog are awesome too.

hehe :mrgreen: . Well, I’ve been drawing since I was little :laughing: . But I only really started trying to draw professionally after I saw The Incredibles, when I was nine. I got a drawing book of Pixar characters. And I was all excited that I’d get to draw Violet. But she wasn’t in the book. I kinda have this thing about proving people wrong, and I felt like the book was telling me I couldn’t draw Violet (Silly, maybe. But this is a big reason why I am where I am.). So I took a sticker of her that did come with the book, and stuck it up in the corner of a paper, and drew her. And it turned out pretty good. And before that, I drew a picture of her from the movie where she was reading a magazine, and that was even good. I kept getting compliments, people asking me if I wanted to be an artist. And I kept telling them, “No, I wanna be a Herpetologist.” But, eventually, I decided I loved art more, and that’s what I wanted to do with my life :slight_smile: . So, that’s my back story :blush: :slight_smile: .

And thanks so much everybody :slight_smile: ! I’ll have more very soon. So keep your eyes peeled :wink: .

Your welcome.