What type of pet do you have?

mei - Narniafanism is cute! Unfortunately, I have a friend that takes it toooooo far :open_mouth:

I have a black lab I call ā€œThe Ebbsterā€, who Iā€™ve had the privilege of spending most of my childhood growing up with her. But, ironically, sheā€™s not fast, despite her nickname, which was promising a sort of sporty dog. When I walk her, itā€™s not walking, itā€™s dragging her along :stuck_out_tongue:

You should tell your friend about NarniaWeb - he/she would looove it. Itā€™s a Narnia CRAZY forum.

Iā€™m not one of those people who are like over-obsessed with anything, (except maybe awana Bible quizzing :smiley: :unamused: ) but I do like Narnia names for animals.

Sorry to sort of drag up an old topicā€¦

Iā€™m sure weā€™ve all seen my doggies before [Iā€™ve posted in here, but have some updates to the crew haha]

After almost a year, I sold my horse last June and heā€™s now happily working on a cow ranch.
In October I leased a wonderful little ex-racehorse/ex-polo pony, then she was sold to someone else.
In March I bought a horse. =]

So my dogs again;

Tank, German Shepherd.

Anthony, 3 legged Rottweiler/Mastiff/Shepherd/Everything else.

Meesha, Border Collie cross.

And Fergie, Warmblood/Saddlebred.

Mittens; My sisters catā€¦really cute.

I LOVE the name!
I have 2 dogsā€¦ both were rescued so we donā€™t know the type but they are HUGE!!

Edited. Thereā€™s no need to quote the entire post. ā€“ Mitch

I have a gold fish thats old as heck! It is so fat and has been aound since I was 3 (and Im 13 now). People who come over just stare at it in shock and ask if thats a goldfish or not bc it is so large! Her name is Rainbow!

I used to have a black lab named Malakai , but it had to be put down last year.
He died the same way as Marly in Marly and me. He fell down the stairs and then his heart got all this fluid in it and his stomach started to bloat and there was nothing we could do for him :cry: .

Thatā€™s so sad HelloDolly! How old was He? I used to have another dog, but she was 14 and it was her time to go :cry:

Aww, so many photos of sweet pets!

HelloDolly114, your goldfish sounds amazing! Iā€™m amazed at how old it is- I didnā€™t realise goldfish could live for so long.

And Iā€™m sorry to hear about your dog. He had a beautiful name.

14 is pretty good, yamfox. My grandparentsā€™ dog, Snoopy, died last month at the age of 14 and although obviously they were very upset, they recognised that he had made it to a good age. Even so, itā€™s still difficult to deal with.

Got two guinea pigs recently named YoYa and YaYo. One of them thoroughly enjoys trying to kill me with her nails.

He was 10. Thank you lizardgirl yes my goldfish is a miracle! :smiley:

i currently have 5 dogs (Copper, Lynnlie, Hindi, Growlithe, Angel) 5 cats (Bangel, Moose, Ozzi, Toni, Mischief) a million birds (named after various twilight characters thanks to my sis >.<) and a very angry turtle (elvis) :stuck_out_tongue:

Copper, Lynnlie, Hindi, Angel

Copper, Angel, Growlithe, Lynnlie





I just Got 2 Pups.One named Sasha and One named Simba!!!Iā€™m soo happy!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Behold the balls of fluff known as my pets.


If youā€™re wondering why the names are so strange, those were the names my mother assigned to her dogā€™s pups when she was a little girl.

I once had a silk rat. Named Emile. But heā€™s already saying bye-bye. :frowning:(

Currently I have my digi-pet Tamagotchi. My mom said itā€™ll much more easier.

2 cants and a dog.

Cat 1 (mix)- Stella

Cat 2 (siamese)- Kitters

Dog (half poodle, half terrier)- Peggy (dont ask hahahaa)

Iā€™ve had an American Shorthair cat since 2002, named Alpha. He had a brother when we got them from the animal shelter, and we named him Omega. :stuck_out_tongue: Something happened to Omega, however, so for the past four years itā€™s just been Alpha. Heā€™s got golden-yellow fur with little stripes in it, and honey-colored eyes. I absolutely love him, heā€™s such a good cat, and heā€™s miserable when different members of our family are gone for a long period of time. :laughing: Heā€™s such a people catā€¦

I donā€™t have any pictures of him right now, but Iā€™m thinking of putting up a few of him and Omega. They are both adorable cats.

little chef

I used to have three goldfish. They all kicked the bucket, however :frowning:

I have two fancy rats. Flurl and Swoosh. Theyā€™re awesome.

8D I thought of the exact same thing when she wrote thatā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

little chef