What type of pet do you have?

Cute pictures of your pets SheriffChick.

Here’s some pictures - posted from another forum because I just got back from class, it’s 11:00 at night, and I’m tired. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s the baby robin we found -

And the cockatiel -still kinda nasty since he was raised longer than usual by his parents while we were in Arizona.

Doodles, a couple of days before the birth- “Oh noez, I’ve been knocked up!” D:

And teh puppies! x3

This is the one I saved. Couldn’t get a closer photo of the other because he wouldn’t stop squirming.

FONY - Cute puppy face - gets me every time. :smiley:

FONY: You are really amazing. How do you manage all of your pets? Anyways, they all are really cute.

They’re so cute x) I had to mess with them to get the fluid out of their mouths, and they were squeaking and crying and aww. x) I love them. Hopefully we’ll get to keep one, but I doubt it. We do have enough as it is, and boy dogs are hell. xP

TSS: It’s actually not hard at all- and you’d never notice we had so many pets if you saw our house - the only pets that make it look like we have a lot are the dogs, but that’s it - there are only a couple birds on the first floor and the cats are always hiding in the basement. And it’s not hard to remember to take care of them all - because they won’t let you forget, what with all the racket they cause. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love that picture of the baby cockitel.

FONY: I see now. Well, for one puppy I got, i can still make some noise.

Well my pets include three cats…

Cotton and me have been buds for a long time. He was a stray at first and we sorta grew up together. Very loving toward me and anyone. Though sometimes he DOES get outside the house, friends with some strays I guess, but he ALWAYS comes right back home…
Wendy and Taco are sister/brother respectibly. Ugh, Wendy’s part syameze (word), so she meows allot, though not all the time surprisingly. Tries desperately for my affection though I do give it ^0^ Though her meows are a double edge sword when she does it at the door. On one hand, she just wants to run out, and on the positive note, she can warn me if they’re low on food or water so she’s a nice reminder.
Taco and me are rather on a “hey” relationship. Guy LOVES food ^0^ He’s also kind of seclusive but smart…once opened a locked door which amazed me. And he’s a very good hider…

Ah, thank you!

Haha, well it’s not as great as it seems [well my story isn’t anyways haha]. We’re looking for a new home for Clue. ^^ And Bam isn’t really mine =[

My GF tells me she wants a puppy, but she wishes that it doesn’t grow up into something that can tower over her when it stands on its hind legs.

The first-born puppy’s eyes are opening. x3

Aaand the robin flew away. He’s gone for good - I’m pretty sure he’ll survive, since as soon as he found out he could fly, he was suddenly scared of us and attempted on a daily basis to leave the cage.

And I tried to get another cat or kitten the other day, but to no avail. :stuck_out_tongue: Mom thinks they won’t get along, blah blah blah … though the mother cat was so freakin’ sweet and two of my other cats are the nicest cats I’ve ever known - they even are friendly towards Angel though all she wants to do is fight them. :stuck_out_tongue:

A pet thread! I took these pictures of my ancient cat (21+ years old as far as we can figure) today while he was sleeping.

Awwww Fett101, you have got a really adorable looking cat. Really nice pictures of it.

My dog Max.
He’s a really clever, yet somehow very dumb dog. He listens very well, but sometimes he gets it on his nerves and just feels like doing silly stuff.
Sleeping on the couch (this picture could be taken anywhere, he sleeps all day except when we are outside)

Playing outside in the snow (if he isn’t sleeping he is very active outside.)

I have one dog, two cats and two Guinea pigs. :sunglasses:

I have two pigeons now that we’re trying to teach to get used to the wild, since they should be leaving soon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than that … well, I got my sister’s hamster a travel-ball and now she’s all over the room. She loves it. :laughing:

Your dog looks really, really adorable Vekoma!

Thought I’d post some pictures of the puppies.

This is Buddha, but we’ve been calling him either Buddha or Buckwheat. x)

And this was Meatball, now Balto - we’re not exactly sure what to name him. :stuck_out_tongue: Houdini, most of the time, since he’s a master at getting loose.

And these are just a couple pics of them together-

Oh man! Those puppies are just so cute!

Makes me wish I had a pet… pets imaginary Remy

Awwwww! They look really adorable FONY! Cute little puppies you got there!