Which Disney Franchise has the worst Fanbase?

Okay guys. let’s end this. If someone hates something in a movie it’s okay. Not everyone is bound to love The Lion King. I also think their are Disney movies over rated and I’m sure you guys think that too. But let’s not try to get all ticked off at each other for it. I disagree wuth Virgnina on it being over rated, but that’s her opinion, not ours, so let’s drop it.

I don’t mind if you think The Lion King is overrated. Please, continue sharing your opinion about that subject as much as you want (I don’t think we actually criticized you for saying that, even). It’s not a problem when you say a movie’s overrated, even if it’s beloved by many people, but (1) try to have a reason to back up that statement if you want others to understand your position (such as disliking the music, as you said), and (2) try not to get angry or upset about it, especially when that negativity is aimed at others. I felt like you were mad at my own personal opinion, but I want to like the movies I like. Again, to clarify, this discussion has absolutely nothing to do with your personal views towards TLK but how annoyed you are with others who think it’s the best film. I promise I would not get angry at someone for thinking a movie is overrated, especially if they can explain why, so that’s not the case here, and I don’t think it is for eje, either.

I hardly think people are going to ignore other Disney movies and only go crazy for TLK, though! Some movies, like The Rescuers Down Under, admittedly don’t have a large fanbase, but other than that people are pretty aware that the movies exist. Look at the threads on here for movies like Hunchback of Notre Dame. They still get recognition. I wish I had some statistics for this, but when I’ve asked people what their favorite Disney movie is, only sometimes was it TLK. I just as often heard other movies, such as BATB and TLM, and even other times less popular ones like The Sword in the Stone and Robin Hood.

The reason I used Beauty and the Beast as an example is because it’s one of the most critically acclaimed Disney movies—I mean, it almost won Best Picture! Personally, it’s in my top 5… maybe #3?

What about Mickey Mouse’s fanbase?

Now, that is a lot of people. :open_mouth: I’d like to know how many people that is hehe.

Sorry I offended you, Q-o-P. I really wasn’t talking specifically about you I promise. I just meant generally more than anything else. But I think we’re done arguing now so I’m going to leave that alone there. Again, sorry. :blush:

I hate it when the big Mickey Mouse fans say that hate Bug’s Bunny.

  1. I was just using B&tB as an example, I’m not picking on it.

  2. I don’t think it’s wrong that you think that TLK is overrated. I just don’t see how it could infuriate someone.

  3. And I agree that there are other Disney movies that deserve more love, but i dont’ think it’s TLK’s fault.

About #2, you really want to see how it can infuritate someone? Look at the comments for Doug Walkers disneycember video review of TLK. Long story short, Doug gave his thoughts on the film and he said that he thought it was good but a tad bit overrated. Needless to say, his commentators tore him to shreds for it. Poor guy.

O’m sure he didn’t take it to hard. He has reviewd tons of movies so their’s bounf to be people that like those movies and disagree with him. Part of being a critic is taking on other peoples opinions and acceping them. Do you do, you’re a good critic. If you don’t, not so much,

I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say they hate BB. Personally, I prefer Mickey Mouse as a character, and I like Fantasia better than anything I’ve ever seen Bugs Bunny in. But Bugs Bunny has a lot more to like since he was on a TV show for decades etc.

But Mickey has gotten a lot better treatment than Bugs in recent years. I mean even though Mickey was in that direct-to-video Three Musketeers movie that many people didn’t like, Bugs was in Looney Tunes: Back In Action, which bombed at the box office and has been hated by many Looney Tune fans ever since (Not me though, I thought it was great.) Also, Mickey recently got a new video game (Epic Mickey), and about 6 years ago, his own show on Disney Channel (although it’s really meant for 1-4 year olds). And this past May, Bugs and the rest of the Looney Tunes got their own show on Cartoon network, which has gotten mixed reviews from Looney Tune fans (Again, I think it’s great). I guess my point is that Mickey and Bugs both appeal to the same kind of audience, but the audience that the Looney Tunes is aimed at is slightly older than the audience that Mickey Mouse is aimed at.

No, I see exactly what you mean. If you watch the old Looney Tunes episodes, I really think they were for like 9-15 year olds instead of 5-7. Really, I think they were aimed at my dad. He loves them. 8D

I remember they used to air on Nickelodeon when i was really little and would watch them. Also saw SpaceJam in theaters.

I agree with you, I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say they hated either of them! Either of them could be the rightful king of animation.

I personally perfer Bugs Bunny and Warner Brothers to Mickey Mouse and Disney (the cartoons shors of the 30s and 40s that is. IMO Mickey in his early cartoons lacked character and depth. Besides being cute and cheerful, there’s not too much there. And the cartoons are way funnier IMO. The animation is greater too, with greats like Jones, Avery, Freleng, and Clampett beind the wheel. Disney was a great businessman, but by no means a great animator or artist. Iwerks is more responsible for Mickey Mouse than Walt.

At least Mickey charcter was more consistent than Bugs. Bugs went through many hands, and took years for his character to form as we know it now, Mickey has always been good old Mickey for the first part, and that’s always refreshing.

But I like both of course, both are such great icons, and great in their own way.

Yes, yes, and yes again. Even though I’m a huge Disney fan, Mickey Mouse and friends have never been among my favorites. I grew up with Bugs Bunny cartoons more than any other short, comical cartoons. Though I haven’t seen many Disney cartoons, I would really only name two that I really enjoy. However, Bugs Bunny is hard not to love. As someone already said, the age level is higher than Mickey’s audience.

Do the Jona’s Brothers even have a fanbase anymore? Ever since Bieber appeared I haven’t heard much about them.

I think they still have fans, but the fans are maturing and, naturally, so are the brothers, who seem to be parting their separate ways to do different projects… But then I don’t listen to the Jo Bros, so I may not really know what I’m talking about.

I really never hated the band, but I hated their show.

I thought the show was alright, I remember really liking the last episode. Although I don’t think they’ve shown the show on TV at all since the final episode aired.

How long ago was it when they canned that show? I haven’t been paying attention to Disney channel so I don’t know.

I only remember that ahsow airing for a while. Then they had another one or the same show with diffrent words because I remembe r their was Jonas and Jonas L.A.. I don’t think the air even lasted s year. One minute it aired, the next it was off air.