Who has the best avatar?

Nice work! Woo hoo, go WALL·E!

Is that what you want to see? :unamused:

Who put that idea into your mind? :laughing: It’s basically just a thread to compliment avatars, not insult them. :stuck_out_tongue:

Case closed. :sunglasses:

[quote="WBoon":vcz5bes0][quote="Fairly Odd New Yorker":vcz5bes0]Who put [i:vcz5bes0]that[/i:vcz5bes0] idea into your mind?[/quote:vcz5bes0]

[quote="The Star Swordsman":vcz5bes0]This thread is to compare who is superior or not.[/quote:vcz5bes0]
Case closed. 8)[/quote:vcz5bes0]

I think he meant ‘isn’t’. :-\ Because then he goes on to say what the thread’s purpose is. :P

Yeah, but there you have it, misunderstanding resolved. If we have troubles like these everyday, the boards would had been shut down for good. :-\

This misunderstanding [i:10lfjmu7]isn’t[/i:10lfjmu7] resolved until [b:10lfjmu7]TSS[/b:10lfjmu7] says if he meant to say that or not. :-\

I believe you, or anyone of us here, for that matter, don’t need to pursue this matter any further, obviously. So let’s put off the prances of fancy words and just ease the issue.

It’s blatantly clear that TSS made a mistake; I was merely answering your question directly without mentioning the details, so let’s leave it to rest.

look at TSS’s Post!

It’s a god**** mistake for crying out loud! Jesus!

looks up in the sky
Not you, dude.



I think that we should get back on topic guys… Besides, I think you’re really taking this too far, WALL•E. It’s really not that important.

We’ll let TSS clear it up himself. And anyway, I’m pretty certain he meant “isn’t”.

C’mon, back on topic!! Who likes avatar? I do! They sure are great! Who’s avatar is your favorite? :wink:

Notice: To clarify the matter, this particular thread is for subscribers of Pixar Planet to comment on fellow members’ avatars. Superiority, in this case, is irrelevant. Whether or not one’s avatar dominates another is solely a matter of personal preference, favoritism, and opinion. If anyone wishes to discuss this matter further between one or more members, please feel free to do so via the private message system without disrupting the forum boards.

Thank you.

– Mitch

I meant is not everyone. My mistake. I lose focus when I type sometimes.

I love Tay’s new avatar. Go Link!

I adore yours. :slight_smile:

Mine? Oh thanks Star Rider. I like yours too.

Don’t mention it.

Star Rider: Nice shot of Hopper there. :slight_smile:

I’m liking Rac_Rules’s avatar right now- Emile is so cute!

Someone should make Gusteau a Santa Claus- he’s jolly enough for the job!

I really like Tay’s new avie. The transformation from N64 Link to TP Link looks splendid. Aw, I wish I could play the N64 The Legend of Zelda games.

And I think Rac_Rules siggy is quite a cutie :smiley:

Gosh, I leave the boards for a mere fortnight, and upon my return, everyone’s got all their Chrismas ‘do’ up! There’s just too many good avvies to mention, so great job everyone! It’s great to be in the Holiday Spirit!