Who has the best avatar?

Unfortunately, I didn’t make it. I’m not that skilled, haha.
The “transformation scene” is actually from the beginning of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. ;] Someone just incorporated that part into the avatar. ;D
But thank you!

Thanx man! …and yea I try to make every month Pixar/holiday related so look out! :-D)

Abbervail Dream: sighs the joys of Melee - Brawl gameplay, true chaotic fun. 8D

And I love that (entire) transformation scene! It’s funny how Kirby looks EXACTLY the same! <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/grinandwink.gif” alt=“;-D” title="Grin and

Wink" />


Kudos to whoever can guess where mine comes from (You SHOULD know this… :wink: ).

hahaha JF… it came from MEEEE!!! :astonished: (where’s the applause…? LOL)

btw, love your new avvie. It rocks my socks and is just about as cool as you told me it would be. :smiley:


ps: as you can see, you don’t have my latest 2 siggys. :slight_smile: LOL

JesusFreak - Your new avvie would have to come from WALL•E when EVE reboots, correct? I like that graphic in the movie there.

Thanks, -red-! Err…little_chef_eva09! And no, I don’t have them…Which is really weird. Has there ever been a time when I didn’t have one of your siggys? :open_mouth:

Rachel: That’s correct! :smiley:

Actually, probably only a couple times… LOL… but that was before I started making them like craaazy!! :smiley:

Oh man, I know! Endless hours of virtually beating up your friends! : D

Me too! And I know! It’s so funny, haha. He didn’t really change much, but hey how can you improve a pink ball? XD

Ah, thanks. ^^ I like yours, too.

And, JesusFreak, I loved that icon from the movie! Strangely… I’ve never thought of using it! Kudos! :slight_smile:

Abbervail Dream: I like your avatar’s animation.
little_chef_eva09: What an adorable avvie you got there!
Pixfan: Lovin’ the idea. Great shot of Frozone. The calendar concept is creative.

Who can guess where I got the quote in my new avatar? (hint:[spoil] see the “Memorable Classic Disney Quotes” thread, in the Other Disney section.)[/spoil]

BDD: ohh, you mean the EVE and WALL-E one? Yeah, I made it myself… :slight_smile: Anytime you want one, I’m always here!! :smiley:

And I would have NO clue where your quote came from. I’m not that familiar with many of the Disney movies… :blush:

little_chef_eva09: Go throughthis thread for a hint. (and please leave a message there, too!) :smiley:

[spoil]Meg from Hercules.[/spoil] ;D I watched that movie the other night. It’s one of my faves!

And thank you!

Right you are, Abbervail Dream!
Now I changed it to an image of the actual character. So…how’s it look?

I think it’s cute, BDD, even though I’ve never seen Hercules before… :blush: LOL… I think I’ve only read about it through those random Disney rip-off books for kids when I was like, 6… :laughing:

I like rachel’s and BDD’s avatars.

I love Rachel’s and BDD’s avatars too. x)

Man, I’ve gotta rewatch Hercules one of these days …

Thank you, The Star Swordsman and Fairly Odd New Yorker. I like my new avvie, too. =)

BDD: I loved that quote from Hercules, even though I didn’t know its significance until I was much older. It’s so true in many ways!

little_chef_eva09: I liked the ‘sparkly dots’ floating around Wall-E and Eve. May I ask how you achieved that effect? (ie what brush you used, did you spot each individual dot, etc.)

rachelcakes1985: It’s Hello Dolly! Awesome! Now I want to watch it…

Well, here’s my new avvie! (I’m not sure whether I should post it under my Avatars and Sigs thread, since it’s not Pixar-related.

It’s Jack Bauer and his “most triumphant” (to quote Bill and Ted) return to the action-packed 7th season of 24! I just love this pose, his jacket flaps billowing in the wind against the dark clouds and the Capitol… it’s all levels of awesomeness! I had to composite two screenshots from the main homepage and the poster to get his gun barrel and the Capitol into one picture, and I’m pleased with the result.

Oh, and by the way, it’s too small to see, but the tagline below the title “24” reads “Just in Time.” Wicked!

Get ready for another bad day!

TDIT: I don’t know if you read this in my “avvies and siggys” thread, but I don’t use Photoshop. :laughing: I use another program called PhotoExplosion, which is like a step-down and I use it on Windows. It has served me well, though; since I’ve been able to make many a siggy and pull it off as “Photoshop-quality”. :stuck_out_tongue:

I cropped the image to a square shape, resized it, added a vignetted look and then used a “firefly” filter to automatically add some pretty dots. (I moved them around a bit and deleted some…) But yeah! That’s how I did it. :wink:

Like I said above, if anyone wants me to make them one, I am more than happy to do so. I make lots of avvies and siggys all the time and rarely ever see them used, so gimme a holler whenever you have the hankering for something new. :smiley:

little chef