Who has the best avatar?

A delicious cookie will be awarded to anyone who knows where my avatar is from!

queen_of_painting: Family Dog, created by Brad Bird. :wink:

Here’s your prize! But–oh dear–it looks as though someone’s already taken a bite.

:confused: That’s not what we agreed to…But I accept your gift. :smiley:

Neat avvie, queen_of_painting! I really need to seek out Family Dog

JesusFreak - If you don’t want that cookie, I’ll have it! :stuck_out_tongue:

thedriveintheatre - Epic avatar you’ve got there! I love the storm clouds a brewin’ behind Jack Bauer and how the 24 logo is overlayed over him. And, as far as I’m aware, you can discuss any avatar here, it doesn’t have to be Pixar related. :wink:

It’s on Youtube now, if you’re okay with that. Anyone in America who has a Netflix account can also watch it online there. They have all two seasons of “Amazing Stories.”

little_chef_eva09: Yeah, I was aware you don’t use Photoshop (which was amazing in itself), but nevertheless, I’m still interested in how you achieved that awesome effect. I always liked the ‘floating fireflies’ (like in the Princess and the Frog homepage) and ‘flying sparks’ (any posters from the Dark Knight, Transformers and Die Hard 4.0) effects, and yours impressed me. "Firefly’ filter, eh? This sounds interesting, I should look out for this PhotoExplosion program… thanks! :smiley:

queen_of_painting: Family Dog looks mighty familiar to me… I may have watched it before as a kid but I just couldn’t recall for sure… deja vu mode here! Nice to know it’s made by Mr Bird and Co.

rachelcakes1985 - I didn’t have to overlay the title 24 over Mr Bauer, it was already like that in the original poster (and so was the tagline), so my job was considerably easier. :wink: But in the original poster, his gun barrel was cropped off, so I had to copy the rest of it from a screenshot of the homepage’s background and ‘clone-stamp’ the clouds and trees to cover up the border.

Thanks for commenting! :smiley:

My two favorites (currently) are queen_of_painting and Rachel’s avatars. :slight_smile:

– Mitch

For some reason Family Dog always makes me think of Family Guy. And the colours in that avatar don’t help much either. :slight_smile:

thedriveintheatre - Nice work with the 'shopping, there! Now that you mention it I can see a bit of a difference with the clouds, but overall, that avatar looks very spiffy indeed!

Mitch - Thank you! Are you thinking of changing your avatar any time soon, by the way?

Rachel - You’re welcome!

I actually am considering slipping on a different avatar, although… I’m so attached to this one that that may not happen in the near future. We’ll have to wait and see. :wink:

– Mitch

I like your 24 avatar TDIT. I believe it was last week that I really started getting into that show.

Mitch - Yeah, I know what you mean. Considerable thought is always put into my decision for me to change my avatar because I don’t like to confuse people, and, I dunno… I just don’t like to change it too often. Can’t really explain why. I like looking at other people’s avatar changes, though. Welp, if you need any ideas for avatars, let me know!

TSS - How about you - are you thinking of changing your avatar any time soon? (Although your ‘Incredibles hugging’ one is very sweet.)

I might rachel. I have been wearing this one for a long time now.

Rachel - Exactly. I share the same principles. The main difference is that whenever you choose a new avatar it seems to fit you perfectly, and it’s always really charming. Whenever I change avatars they just don’t seem to… fit. (heh)

Sure! I’d love some ideas! If you can think of any shot with Remy in it that would fit my personality, then I’d love to hear your input. :wink:

The Star Swordsman - I agree with Rachel: Your current avatar is awesome. I love it. :smiley:

– Mitch

Mitch - Ha ha! Really? Thank you! Why does my current avatar suit me now, do you think?

I think that Remy avatar suits you just fine because he looks a little bit crazy in it. 8D (Jokes.) I will have to watch Ratatouille again to try to think of any shots that you might like to use as an avatar.

Mitch: I know, but I might change it, nothing wrong with change.

Rachel - Mmm, I really don’t know why, to tell you the truth. It just… fits. Everyone knows that you love WALL•E, plus, you seem to like love stories, so maybe that has something to do with it. (heheh) :wink:

Puh-ha!! My gosh, I’m still laughing at that. It’s kinda true too, man. :laughing:

The Star Swordsman - Well, if you do change it, then I can’t wait to see what it is!

– Mitch

I like The Star Swordsman’s, and Mitch’s avatar the best! Oh, and who could forget me? :wink:

Personally, I really like the new one I’m using. <3 cuteness

I’ve always liked Mitch’s avvie. I remember when she used that one a long time ago - it’s always felt like “Mitch’s siggy”… lol :laughing:

Mitch - Well, funnily enough, WALL•E is the only love story I’ve really taken a shine to (well, that and Ghost), but I have to admit I love the use of the Hello, Dolly! scenes in WALL•E and I do get choked up at the romantic parts. <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" /> Thanks for the feedback!

Heheh, I’m always happy to make someone laugh. :smiley:

TAMATER - Cool avatar. Is that from a desktop image that you shrunk down?