Who has the best avatar?

Rachel: Thanx back at ya! :smiley: It’s Mushu from Mulan.

Great avatar, TSS, but I don’t like it as much as some of your past ones. (I’m a stickler for good image quality. :nerd: ).

Nice avatar for a change, TSS. I agree with TS2 on the image quality, but I’m impressed you’ve donned an animated one! How’d you do that?

I also liked BDD’s avatar. Mushu has a wealth of quotes, I just realised. He’s my fave character from Mulan, which is an awesome movie on Chinese history, by the way. I feel like dusting out my old VCD of it for this Lunar New Year festive period… (it lasts 15 days by the way!) I’m also interested how you did the animated effect, BDD. :wink:

Also, I’d like to give a shoutout (is that the right word? laugh out loud) for a fellow M’sian member’s avatar, wayne. He had a neat pic of Eve cradling Wall-E in space that I’m curious to know where he got from (if you’re reading this, wayne, please tell me the link!), but his latest of a certain Will Smith blockbuster is quite funny and inspired too! I have a feeling he may have taken it from Wall-E’s Uncyclopedia entry, which is a quite hilarious read (but may be offensive for sensitive fans who can’t take a joke at Wall-E’s expense. Consider yourself warned!) :slight_smile:

I wanted to find one of good quality, but this was the best I got.

thedriveintheatre: Oh, thanks, but I didn’t make it. I found it on this random website when I googled “Disney Mushu”, but unfortunately I don’t have the slightest idea who made them, so I am unable to credit whoever made it. :blush: Here’s a shoutout to that person (if he/she is somehow on this site and reading this): Me wearing it is my way of complimenting!

About my newest change, I’m in a Mushu mood right now, that’s all I need to say. :wink:

TSS: Fairy 'Nuff. :slight_smile: So, uh… how’d you do it? What program did you use? What steps did you take? I’m curious to know… I think it’s pretty Incredible. :sunglasses:

: Haha, looks like Mushu’s throwing a tantrum. I was watching a music vid of Mushu, think it was to “Shape of my Heart”, and there was an “aw…”-inducing screenshot that I’d maybe make as my next avatar. :wink:

I didn’t make it TDIT. I actually found it on the internet.

I like your new avatar, TSS! The image quality might not be great, but I like the different pictures that are being shown. :smiley:

TS2- Is that the joker? That’s a pretty freaky avatar either way! The look on his face is scary. :laughing:

bright dot-dasher- The colours and style of your avatar are lovely. And Mushu is definitely the best character in Mulan! :smiley:

Haha, is that Mike Wazowski in the middle of your avatar, JesusFreak? Looks like a strange Mike and Auto mutant. The expression on his face is hilarious. :laughing:

THanks for the comments lizardgirl.

<<<<<<<< New Hobbes avatar :exclamation:

From here:

goobersgirl.deviantart.com/art/h … d-49228117

Love the different faces (and colors) of Hobbes there, Roflcoptinator! Good choice…it looks delightful.

Changed mine again. "We are the Muses."

They’re black…they sing of mythical history (in honor of black history month)…they are awesome characters of Hercules…and they’re classic Disney! What more could I want? :smiley:

Love the new one, little chef! The font matches the scene of the movie, I think. :smiley:

BDD: Great idea! That’s such a cool picture, too. :smiley: Seriously, it’s so you. :wink:

I made this one this morning. I know I say this every time I make a new one, but I think this one is significantly amazing, since I’ve “learned” a lot more about Brandon’s (for those of you who DON’T know… that’s the first name I use for Captain McCrea :smiley:) “relationship” - or, not-so-relationship -with AUTO. It’s really deep to me, I guess. Hard to explain some of the back stories me and my sister make up. :unamused:

What do you guys think about it??? :slight_smile:

Whoa…I answered you before you even asked. I must be a master of clairvoyance! :wink:

I love yours, JF, it’s Auto, right? Heheh, he looks funny!

I FINALLY permanently changed my EVE one (with the exception of the Christmas special).

I used lyrics from Matchbox 20’s “How Far We’ve Come”

My current favorites are bright dot-dasher’s, JesusFreak’s, red’s, and Rac_Rules’ avatars. :wink:

All of you guys have great avatars, though. It’s hard to choose! :smiley:

– Mitch

little_chef_eva09: Thanks! I think your current avatar rocks. I mean it. When I saw that avvie, it reflected your fanfic of him right away. It really shows the greatness of the character, and you have helped me see his significance. Looks cool.

Rac_Rules: Fabulous change! Hmm, maybe I should check out that song. I have a feeling it describes Elastigirl very well…

I love your avatar rac_rules. I love that song too.

Thank you. I like your The Incredibles avatar, I always liked animated ones.

I think my favorite will always be Haunt’s. Her’s is so cool.