Who has the best avatar?

I agree that 's Haunt avvie is really cool, like a real superhero logo. :smiley:

Changed mine again in the spirit of Valentine’s Day (but I will go back to the Muses because I’m somehow still attached to them). Can anyone guess where this is from and how it relates to V-Day?

That’s from Bambi, it’s Flower’s girlfriend. He fell in love with her on the first sight which is why it relates to Valentine’s Day :smiley:
I really like it :slight_smile:

You’re correct, Witch_of_Night! And thank you.
I really like yours, too. :smiley: It’s so pretty.

Geez, what with the flower themes, ladies? :laughing:

Anyway, pretty awesome avatar changes, people!

Hm…I guess I have to find a way to relate mine to V-day.

Both of them have devoted spouses?

I randomly drew this sketch of EVE the other day in my sister’s notebook with that power-thing attached to her head, and next to it I decided to write “EVE is in rehab.” … gosh, you won’t believe how hard we laughed about it…!!! :laughing:

So I scanned it and played with it a bit on the computer to add some color and such. It’s got EVE on it and it’s random, so there you have it - me in an avvie!! :smiley: (although I have to say I’ve never had to go to rehab, and hopefully will never have to!)

little chef

bright dot-dasher - That dragon avatar is fabulous. :wink:

thedriveintheatre - WALL•E looks so cute waving there. I like the simplicity of both the design and colours used in your avvie. :slight_smile:

Pixfan’s current avatar is pretty freakin’ hilarious. (snigger)
I love Rachel’s avatar, as well. It’s so poignant…

– Mitch

I like your avatar Mitch.

The Star Swordsman - Thanks! I love Russell, plus… I was getting kinda sick of that Remy one.

Your avatar is pretty awesome in itself, as well. :wink:

– Mitch

little_chef_eva09: While you still had that EVE sketch avvie on, it brought a smile to my face. I really liked it!

rachelcakes1985: Thanks! I agree with you on thedriveintheatre’s. Plus, I agree with Mitch on yours. :wink:

Mitch: I almost didn’t recognize you without your Remy avvie. I was so used to it! But your new Russel one also looks good on you. I gotta check out Pixfan’s…

Mushu’s a drama queen, everybody! :laughing:

bright dot-dasher - I know. I’m always wearing something Ratatouille-related, but I figured I’d switch it up a bit.

Thanks, dude! :smiley:

Ha!! I love your Mushu avatar. :laughing:

I’ll have to side with both Rachel and bright dot-dasher here on thedriveintheatre’s avatar. I also love the simplicity of it, and the color palette in it works well with the source material/theme.

– Mitch

Mitch: Awwww, I actually liked the Remy one. At least I could recognize it was you. :laughing:

The Star Swordsman - Ha-ha! Don’t worry, I’ll put it back on eventually, probably after Up comes out. :wink:

– Mitch

Woah, what a striking avatar change, Mitch. I was so used to your Remy one. Looks like we are both Russell fans already! And thanks for the compliment on my avvie, too. I have never thought of it as ‘poignant’ before, to be honest I just chose it for the purdy colours. :slight_smile:

lol @ your Andrew Stanton avvie, thedriveintheatre. It’s cool to see an avatar with a Pixarian in it. EPIC WIN!

Rachel - Ha-ha. I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes Russell. :wink:

You’re welcome!

– Mitch

I hope you do. I actually really like it.

I like Hannahmation’s new avatar!

I dunno whether it’s because lack of sleep…But Carl looks like he’s glowing in the picture…i can’t work out if he is or if my eyes are playing tricks on me.

I don’t know why its taken me so long to notice it but Mark-E I recognise that picture of Donald From Somewhere… And I just worked it out

Mitch The Change is disturbing at first… I was so used to seeing Remy sat there loking at me whilst I tried to read… Now I got a Fat Kid! :open_mouth: And he’s not as furry or entertaining to look at right now!

Thanks Mark E! Carl is indeed glowing! Used a little photoshop magic. :slight_smile: