Who has the best avatar?

Hannahmation: I like your new avvie. :wink: I almost didn’t recognize you when I first saw it … kind of like Mitch! :laughing: But change is always good… and I really like the effects you used on it. :stuck_out_tongue:

The one I’m wearing right now really happens to match my mood… I’m really having a hankering for a French Vanilla capucchino right now… :laughing: But currently I have no vehicle to run uptown and get me one. :unamused:

little chef

Thanks little chef! I like your new avvie as well! Hopefully you can get your caffeine soon! :wink:

The Star Swordsman - and Captain Pan - Ha-ha! It looks as if everyone misses my previous avatar. Don’t worry! I’ll change back to Remy in a few… months, probably. Right now, I’m in a Russell mood. :wink:

red and Hannahmation - Nice graphics, you guys! :smiley:

– Mitch

Mitch: No, no, I really like your new one! Please please don’t change it yet! Now that I’ve had time to look at it, it really suits you well. :wink: Russell just seems like your kind of character. :slight_smile:

Oh - and thanks! :smiley:

little chef

red - Ha! Well, thank you! I’m glad that someone likes it. It seems that with every new avatar I wear that icon features some character acting or looking crazy. Bad sign. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re welcome! :wink:

– Mitch

Hey little chef. I really like your avatar.

Thank you, TSS… although right when you comment on it, I decide to change it…! :laughing: I like wearing random avvies; if I happen to like it A LOT, I’ll wear it for like, a month. (Like my McCrea ones.) Hope you like the new one I’m gonna wear… :wink:

little chef
ps: I did get my caffeine this morning…! :smiling_imp: now I’ll be bouncing off the walls the rest of the day…! :smiley:

Little_chef: And just when I was getting used to your old avatar, you changed it huh? Well, I like this one too.

Hannahmation: Nice avvie change! :slight_smile:

little_chef_eva09: I love that artwork, and it looks great as an avvie, also! Maybe it’ll provide advertising for your fanfic. :wink:

My new avvie, is featuring Mushu (again). I get used to my avatars really quick for some reason, and change constantly. So far this year, they’re all Classic Disney, and it’s still going on! I feel good about this find.

I love Mushu BDD. Cute avatar.

That’s cool, bright dot-dasher. Is there any particular reason why you’re drawn to using Mushu avatars so much?

red and bright dot-dasher - Nice avatars! I particularly love their hues/colors. :wink:

– Mitch

littlechef: Hey, I like your avatar.

Nice avatar changes everyone…:wink:

Gotta love the clean look of Hannahmation’s avatar…:-D)


Pixfan - I like your new avatar, Pixfan. The lighting in it is awesome. :wink:

– Mitch

Thanx Mitch!

I just kinda picked one outta the bunch I made a few months ago…8D

Yours is pretty refreshing to the eye as well…:wink:


Pixfan - Ha-ha! Well, it’s still cool. :wink:

You’re most welcome, and thanks!

– Mitch

Thanks Mitch, BDD, and Pixfan! I like all of your avatar changes as well!

BDD: Lovin’ your Mushu avatars! He’s a great character! Makes me want to watch Mulan now!

Hannahmation - You’re most welcome, and thank you! :smiley:

AniRemi’s avatar is quite nice. I love the vibrant colors bordering the top and bottom sections of the image.

– Mitch

I like your avatar Pixfan.