Who has the best avatar?

Thanx StarSwordsman!

But like I told Mitch, it was kind of a random choice. :wink:

I almost feel like making some more avatars now…:-D)

I hope you do Pixfan. You are one of the best avatar makers here on PP.


Oh stop it rachelcakes, he said ONE of the best…8D

StarSwordsman: Awww…thanx! :wink:

Heheh, yeah I know. Come on, I’m not that vain. Maybe I should have put a smiley face underneath so you knew I was joking. :stuck_out_tongue: There we go.

It’s okay, I knew you were joking…hence the ( 8D )…:wink:


Rachel: You are one of the best too. :stuck_out_tongue: Your graphics always has a soft spot inside me.

Pixfan: You’re welcome. :wink:

Love the South Park version of Captain McCrea, little chef! :smiley:

JF: Lol, it’s not McCrea. It’s Alex O’Neill from my fanfic. (The reason for the captain’s suit may be clarified within the next few chapters… hopefully…:stuck_out_tongue:) But I’m glad you like it! It took a little while to add some stuff to it (like the BnL logo on the top and the cap), but it turned out fine. :wink:

Off topic - On that note, I made some of those with Eve and Mo. They look pretty darn sweet…

little chef

Ohhhh, that makes sense now. I was curious as to why he was so skinny. :stuck_out_tongue:

You should post those EVE and WALL-E characters in the Graphics section… :wink:

Funny you say that… I was just about to do it!! :smiley:

But back on topic… :wink:
“Return to your lives, citizens…”

  • Hamm

little chef

little_chef_eva09: Looks so cute in the South Park style!

BDD: Aww, why thanks! I think so, too. :stuck_out_tongue: I think I’ll keep him a while… :slight_smile:

Hannahmation: I love how your new avvie cycles through all of the Pixar movies, it matches your sigg really nicely. :wink: Did you make it yourself?

little chef

I like your avvie little chef! And thanks! I did make it myself. :slight_smile:

I like your avatar, Hannahmation.

Great avvie, Hannahmation! I like how it goes through different Pixar pics. :smiley:

Hannahmation: Your avatar has become one of my favorite avatars here on PP. I love how it goes though every movie.

Thanks Russell and BDD!

Aww, thanks, TSS! I feel special now. :smiley: I figured if my siggy had all the movies represented, my avvie should too!

I really like yours, BDD, I’m a huge Mushu fan.

Hannahmation - I also like your spiffy new avatar. I think that your particular avatar is the first one to feature every single Pixar movie in history. :wink:

– Mitch