Finally changed mine again, I thought some of you guys might get a few laughs out of this one.
I took the screenshot in Donkey Kong Country when K. Rool’s PC thingy had a black screen and I saw that as exploitable. So took a screenshot of MLP and I did this. Both my favourite shows in one signature, huzzah!
Just in time I remembered my super awesome Halloween siggies from a coupl’a years ago. This is my favourite one. The movie should be easy to guess. Hope this choice of siggie doesn’t spook ya too much!
[size=50]these new signature rules scare me[/size]
Of course, I had gladly re-sized my image to 180 high but am I right that the total size includes any text besides the image? So, say if the image was 180 pixels high but had some text under it, it would be too large?
Yeah… the rules are pretty clear about that, especially since the grey box is used an example, and it is stated that it includes text and images and links.
Ok, no worries. If you’re concerned about still being able to advertise your links like to deviantart and such, you can create your signature to be the same size as mine (157p height), which will give you over 20 more pixels to use for text. I can see that you know how to use the size feature to change the size of your font, so that’s another option, too.