ffdude1906: In this case, Micheal Bay is like The Joker and Pixar Harvey Dent. Micheal continues to commit such hideous cinematic crimes without reason while, currently, warning signs of bad sequels start revolving round Pixar (I’m not saying the sequels will definitely be bad, I’m saying that there’s a chance with all the signs showing up), just like how Dent’s corruption began to show after half of the movie.
Pixar’s our current White Knight, battling all out to bring us the greatest movies the cinema has ever seen. Glad to have you fully on board the Good Movie Lover Resistance, ffdude1906. Support the cause and suppress the loss! Long live good movies!
~ Flare
P.S.: The sig links to my latest review of the movie. Check it out to find out the movie truth!
Just wanted to give a thank-you to thewisecookiesheet for the amazing and touching sig I’m wearing… there are a lot of really good graphics artists on this forum, and she fits so well into that category - especially for being a new member! Keep up all your excellent work, and I hope to wear more of your stuff in the future!
Flare: Look, it’s not a bad thing if someone happens to like a movie that you don’t neccessarily think is a “good” one. Of course you are entitled to your own opinion, but I can tell there’s a subtle bash at those who happen to actually like TF2 in your above-said post. They are also entitled to their opinions as well. Let them like it all they want.
Sorry to get off-topic, guys, I just really wanted to say that. I seriously don’t want to come off as an idiot.
I was just kidding. Sheesh. You’re the one being all hurtful.
Besides, I was just pointing out that TSS was liking my signature for the wrong reasons. That’s all I was pointing out. It’s that wrong? If I can’t even opinionate on that, then he can don’t like it for all I care; I don’t need to be suppressed like this.
Stop the suppression and long live good movies!
One more thing. If Transformers 2 is really a ‘good’ movie, then TSS and you, little chef, shouldn’t really care about what I wrote, now, do you?
Okay now Dragon you are just being absolutely ridiculous. Then again, that doesn’t surprise me. I or any member says one thing that disagrees with your views, you go all ballistic. I’m warning you to cool down because you really are pushing your luck over the edge.
I went ballistic because little chef was pissy about me making an opinion of my own! He was the one being the jerk when all I was saying is that I knew you weren’t liking my sig for its meaning! You are giving me a freaking warning just because I was treated unfairly?! What are you, a Singaporean-hater?
Unfair jerks. Why didn’t you give little chef a warning for making mean remarks to me for inappropriate reasons?! I demand to get a second opinion from the other mods! This is not the way to treat the members!
No one is surpressing you. You’re bringing all of this so-called “hate” and “surpression” upon yourself just because someone may enjoy a movie that you think is shallow or whatever. I have a lot of friends who watch movies like this and like Twilight and think there can’t be a movie better; when I cherish the ones that actually have heart and depth. I don’t say anything to them about it. They are completely entitled to their own opinion!
I was just making a point, okay? I didn’t want to get lashed out at or start a war…
EDIT: And, um, I’m a girl. Maybe you should think twice before saying something so mean. I wasn’t “getting all pissy” on you. I was making a simple remark of opinion, because your sarcasm really hurts sometimes.
Oh, and thanks TSS… I really appreciate you saying that.
I… I didn’t mean to blow this out of topic so bad, guys!! Really!!!
I reread little chef’s post and there was no way that she was being a jerk to you. All she said was that it is okay that I love a movie that you hate.
(Face-palm slap) You were the one that retaliated with the “Screw You” message. You’re the jerk. And me, a Signaporean-hater? Oh my god, where and when did I ever say “I hate you Signaporeans, get out of Pixar Planet?” Dude, I have got evtremely good friends that are Signaporean. You are totally being ridiculous. You are overacting to something so trivial. (again)
That’s not my point! I don’t mind if TSS likes Transformers 2, really. As I said, I was adding a little humor to that remark, and I was just pointing out that TSS was not liking my sig for the reason I had wanted to, which is perfectly fine. I was just pointing that out, that’s all. Is that wrong?
I admit, it was wrong to insult little chef back there, but I was angry that he would treat me as if I made a mistake with such a lecturing tone just because I was making a joke. Naturally, I felt accused, but I admit that was way off line, that’s why I edited my post and, well, I apologize for that.
I don’t care if you guys like the movie or not - seriously - that’s not the reason I got angry. The reason is because little chef lectured me in the first place because I made a joke, which didn’t even have any offense placed towards TSS. So, why am I treated as if I was using offense against him? Why am I treated so unfairly?
Edit: Alright, maybe the word, ‘jerk’ was used inappropriately, but I was lectured for nothing. I wasn’t trying to offend TSS in the first place, and little chef lectured me for that. He wasn’t being a jerk for that, but he was out of place as well. There.
Dragon: You like my siggy for the wrong reasons huh TSS?
little chef: If there anything wrong with TSS liking TF2?
(now what you could do)
Dragon: I’m just kidding with TSS Little Chef. Just joking around with him.
Now my suggestion to you is to calm down and post something with less heat. When someone disagrees with you, the burners get turned on and Boom goes the Dragon. I suggest to cool down and laugh it off.
I told you, I wouldn’t mind if he was just disagreeing with me. I’m not a person like that. I just didn’t like the tone he was using when I did nothing wrong in the first place, that’s all. You have your opinion and I have mine. But if I did nothing wrong, don’t push my button. I hate being accused.
Personally, as I believe I’ve said countless times, I really respect other people’s opinion. I don’t know how times I’ve said this, but I didn’t mind TSS for liking Transformers 2, I honestly don’t. It’s his opinion. So, yesh, I respect your opinions and I hope you would respect mine. Thank you.
Just because you don’t like someone’s tone, does that mean you gotta lash back with a “screw you little chef”? No it doesn’t. I noticed that you have a tendency to overreact to some posters if he/she gives you the wrong tone. Now that’s their problem, but if you reply back with a fireball, you’ll end up getting in trouble.
Look, I’m willing to forgive and forget this. I don’t want this to explode all over the place. Can we all just say we learned our lesson from this? I don’t want this to turn into something ugly.
Flare: I wasn’t lecturing you… I tried to put on a tone that was as honest as I possibly could, because I know things can tend to get misinterpreted over the internet. I just know how you feel about the whole “moviepocalypse” thing, and I knew that you also have the tendency to be sarcastic. I just didn’t think it was fair to TSS that you make a remark like that. Sometimes your humor comes off the wrong way is all I’m saying.
And in case you didn’t read my edit (apparently you didn’t) - I am a girl.
Again, thanks to TSS for doing his job. Seriously, I didn’t mean to throw this so off-topic. I feel like it’s my fault now.