You know what really grinds my gears?

You know something I recently realized irritates me more than most things? When someone dryly asks you “what’s wrong”. Like, not a sympathetic, ready-to-help “What’s wrong?” of sincere interest; that kind of “what’s wrong” that people just ask so they can get it over with or not have to feel responsible for anything. :confused: It majorly annoys me, especially because half the time nothing is wrong—until they ask it like that!

I agree, and I also don’t like when I’m upset and talking in an upset tone of voice, and someone says “You don’t have to cry about it.” in a sassy voice. I’m not crying, I’m just talking in a whiny voice. There’s a difference, and besides, instead of being sassy, why don’t you be considerate and try to help me?

LeBron James fans. That’s what really grinds my gears. :imp:

Argentina winning the World Cup would grind my gears. But they didn’t 8D

Host: Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another segement of

Today I’m here with fellow member, TheSpaceSheriff, as he shares what really grinds his gears!

TheSpaceSheriff: Ahem

Fanboys, [usually] the most ignorant, one-dimensional people you will ever meet.
This mob-mentality of “fitting in” by clamoring that x is overrated.
Rude people in public, they’re just plain inconsiderate to others around them.
Fanatics (political, religious, etc.) who try to force their views onto other people.
Unnecessary sequels to films/video games that are usually opportunities to make money.
Bullying in general, the whole idea of picking on someone for no reason is sickening.
The idea of letting go of “childish things” (like animation and toys) for the sake of “growing up”.

Whew, that’s enough for one day.

My mom. Every time I like a show, she decides to hate it based on the animation style. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

^Ughhh, that’s super frustrating. I know how you feel, though :frowning:

Yup. Literally my biggest peeve.

Your mom just wants you to watch people shows because she’s stereotyping and doesn’t seem to want to know your true interest, IV. (And that, I tell you, is a threat to Pixar fandom.)

It bothers me when I have to take peoples garbage out of carts. These are grown men and women shopping, they should do it themselves. Then some people leave their cart in the middle of the parking lot. It just shows laziness and disrespect.

You know what really grinds my gears?
The whole idea of bullying
People who judge me because of my looks and weird habits (I have autism and I get judged and teased for some things I do)
People who say Pixar and Disney films are for little kids (especially when people say Toy Story is for little kids, but give Frozen a pass)
People who say I’m a nerd because I’m obsessed with Pixar, Star Wars, and Lego
People who say the Star Wars prequels are good and don’t really care about the originals
The emo kids(not trying to be mean) who only talk about Satan, anime, and MLP and who constantly mention stuff from anime (I only bring this up cause I had this girl in one of my classes last year who wouldn’t do any work and just talk about anime :angry:)
People who only care about themselves and their closest friends
The phrase “Deez Nuts” (srsly, how is that even funny?)
When people say Pixar movies are Disney
People who don’t date because they think their friends will laugh at them
People who think they’re better than me just cause they’re smarter and in smarter classes
People who always judge you on what kinds of movies, TV shows,and music you listen to(heck, judgmental people grind my gears sometimes)
People who are racist

I could go on and on about what grinds my gears but I’ll end it here

I don’t like it when people park in handicapped spaces who don’t need it, just because they’re too lazy to walk a little bit farther. Let the people who really need it have it. I’m sure if they had a handicapped person and someone parked there who didn’t need it they would not like it. I don’t like walking in the rain or cold, but I need to do it if those are the only close spots.

When people post comments on Disney/Pixar Facebook posts requesting a PG-13 movie from them. And when people keep saying that the witch is Boo…or that Jessie’s previous owner is Andy’s mom. :angry:

First of all, Pixar will never make that kind of a film. And secondly, the so-called theory just isn’t true. That is why I get so frustrated every time I see these kind of comments show up here and there on the posts. :angry:

So, I was watching a few bonus features of Inside Out on the Disney Movies Anywhere Web site, and when I got close to the halfway mark on the “Story of the Story” feature, I heard (and saw in closed captioning) Pete Docter say the P word that rhymes with ‘missed.’ I’m not going to lie - I felt gut-punched, and I immediately got out of the video. Oh, Pete, how could you? Are you trying to target an audience that isn’t fond of cleaner words? I want to be enlightened, not shocked. If he’d said ‘ticked’ or ‘cheesed’ instead, I wouldn’t be bringing this up.

And to think the A word (when not used as a synonym for donkey or to refer to a fool) was bleeped out in the feature about film editing, but not the P word, which I consider to be in the much worse category. What gives? Don’t they know there’s a good reason family-oriented studios and newspaper comics never use that word? I guess Pixar should have thought twice before turning it in. They failed to do so when they threw in Andrew Stanton’s vaguely titled short ‘A Story’ with the other CalArts shorts, and that one blatantly uses one instance of that word.

Unless George Carlin meant to list 6 dirty words, there’s no way I’m accepting that word in my standards.

I don’t mind G%d, h3ll, d@mn, s^ck, and cr@p, but I draw the line at the P word and other words commonly uttered in PG-13, R, TV-14, and TV-MA rated features.

My mom and I had replaced our outdated modem last winter, yet lately I’ve been getting more and more frustrated–and always to the point where I have to yell at the screen over and over again–on account of those continuing browser glitches over on the desktop! :angry:

If there’s one thing about my current job that’s really grinding my gears and making me mad and getting me angry right now, it’s that one guy who constantly walks around and repeats himself so much he won’t even shut his mouth! :angry: (Yeah, he’s so annoying…)

^ I have one of those guys at work too. He talks such trash and thinks he knows it all, when really no one actually cares :-\

Speaking of work, I hate it when you’ve made all that effort to apply for jobs and attend interviews, only for the potential employers to not have the decency to email you back if you haven’t been successful and they just leave you hanging. Like I know if it’s been a while that chances are I haven’t got the job or I’m not suitable for the position, but they could have let me known anyways :x Not that this has happened to me lately, but it has in the past.

I know how that feels. I’ve been trying to apply for a job for four (!) years and usually it’s straight up rejection or an invitation to either a test or a job interview (or both) and then rejection. But if it’s neither of those, it’s no answer at all. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do anymore…

Aww Witch_of_Night, that’s some perseverance you’ve got there to keep going for 4 years! The way I see it, is that’s it’s down to luck. You probably nailed those interviews but got beaten by someone equally talented as you, which is unfortunately the harsh reality of it. I’ve been severely unfortunate in the past whether it be for job opportunities or for my driving tests, and the only way to get through it is to believe in yourself and to just keep going. :slight_smile:

But yeah, 4 years is a very long time to keep that up. I hope you get to where you want to be soon. What is it that you would like to do as a career? Do you know anyone who has connections to a job you’d like to do? Sometimes it’s not what you know, but who :wink:

Thanks, I hope so too…
Well, my parents adviced me to get an office job, so that’s what I’ve been applying for. But I’m more partial to something creative, like graphic design (tried applying there too). Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone with connections to these kinds of jobs :confused:
But early this year, my brother told me that the supermarket chain he works at is looking for new employees in the office field. Of course, I applied… never got an answer.