Toy Story 4 has thoroughly proved that it’s going to include a lot of new, original characters. Forky already seems to have embedded himself into the most memorable of Toy Story characters, and Ducky and Bunny are making their mark too. Under a month before its release, we’re still discovering more new characters that we’re going to have the pleasure of meeting.
Courtesy of USA Today, we now know that comedy greats Betty White, Carol Burnett, Carl Reiner, and Mel Brooks will have small roles in Toy Story 4 as toys that Bonnie has outgrown. What’s even more amazing is that these toys have names inspired by the names of the actors lending their voices to them:
- Betty White is Bitey White
- Carol Burnett is Chairol Burnett
- Carl Reiner is Carl Reineroceros
- Mel Brooks is Melephant Brooks
You can guess who’s who from the character names: Bitey White is a teething toy!
Betty White, Carol Burnett, Carl Reiner, and Mel Brooks are comedy legends (averaging an age of 93!) – we have no doubt that no matter how small their roles are, they’ll light up the whole scene.
Being forgotten about is a fear that Woody is very familiar with: in Toy Story he was afraid of being overshadowed by Buzz, Toy Story 2 introduced the worry of becoming broken and gathering dust on a shelf, and in Toy Story 3 he was set aside with the rest of the gang in a chest of Andy’s old playthings. This must be a fear that this new early-ages cast of toys must have already grown accustomed to. Hopefully the introduction of Forky hasn’t made Woody doubt his place in his owner’s heart again. Tags: Toy Story 4 Last modified: June 5, 2019