
Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in 3D Exclusive Clip on Moviefone


Pixar has "gathered their top minds" not only to produce a great double feature, but also to make some outstanding marketing material!

Moviefone recently posted the latest promo for Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in 3D with an exclusive clip/trailer for the film. You’ve probably already seen most of the non-movie animation in the previous TV spots, but the latest has some new stuff too. You’ll also notice that the beginning titles are from Presto. The retro styling that keeps appearing in the commercials does in fact carry on to the double feature itself during the intermission and intros.

Now onto the "exclusive clip." The scene in question is perfect to show, even in its 2D form, because it gives you a taste of the 3D potential. I remember jumping up off of my seat when Stinky Pete unexpectedly punches Buzz. It’s that in your face at the right moments! The best part is, I’ve seen Toy Story 2 a million times. Again, that’s another example of how this feels like a brand new experience.

While you’re on Moviefone, you may want to figure out your local show times for opening day. You’re seeing it on opening day, right? Right?!? You can also get tickets through the official site now!

(via Slash Film)

Last modified: September 29, 2009