
Animation is not "Just For Kids"


Finally some news at last! TimesOnline has a good article about Pixar and pleasing adults as well as kids with their films. It also discusses the possibility of Pixar being too-mature with Ratatouille. Here’s an insightful quote from the article and Brad Bird…

While Pixar uses pop-culture buffoonery as the icing on the cake, for DreamWorks it is the cake: remove the jibes at Disney in Shrek, or the celebrity jokes in Shark Tale, and there’s not much left, least of all that sense of enchantment that is the lifeblood of fantasy. “Pop-culture references are easy,” sighs Bird, “and they give the audience a cheap thrill. But they don’t last. Take Disney’s Aladdin, which I like – when that came out, and I saw the genie doing an impression of [US chat-show host] Arsenio Hall, I thought, ‘This is going to mean nothing in 10 years’ time.’ We try to avoid that. People who know James Bond movies could feel their influence on The Incredibles, but hopefully you didn’t need to be familiar with them to enjoy the film.”

Now if only the rest of those at hollywood who are trying to catch the CG animation train would read this article and realise this! It’s the most interesting read I’ve had to today, so why not have a look. You might be surprised.

Last modified: September 17, 2007