
Brad Garrett Talks Ratatouille

News Pixar Ratatouille

About: Hollywood Movies’ Fred Topel, has an interview with Brad Garrett about Ratatouille, among other things.

What is your character?
“I play the owner of the French restaurant where the rats live, Rousseau, who is dead but lives like a ghost and kind of nicely haunts the restaurant. They liked that character so much they called me and they said, ‘Your character’s dead.’ I went, ‘Well, look, it happens. I appreciate the opportunity.’ They went, ‘No, no, no, you’re in it,’ because I’ve gotten a few calls, ‘You’re out.’ God knows I know what that’s like. It’s funny, rats living in a French restaurant who want to cook. They want to be chefs.”

says the article.

And for you Finding Nemo fans looking out for Nemo 2, I have this bad news for you…

Any talk of Finding Nemo 2?
“I haven’t heard a thing about that, no.”

The interview has some interesting points about the movie and where they are up to. Be sure to have a read.

P.S. I will be offline from Friday to Monday due to moving house and internet connection being moved. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Last modified: February 8, 2007