Contributor Rules!


Well I can safely say that the site rules! While visiting the world news site I stumbled upon this beauty. You may notice the music is done by Brad Lewis, the producer of Ratatouille or even that a critic’s name is Mr Bubbles, which is possibly a nod to Finding Nemo, and possibly even the star of the film, Woody Gusteau, a nod to both Toy Story and Ratatouille and also (thanks to Dash) the screenplay by Mike Sulley which is a reference to Monster’s Inc. The site is filled with these little easter eggs. Apparently a 4-D film titled Mobius the Loopy is to be made by BnL’s Pix-Vue Animation Studio and it will take 40 years to complete. BnL have offices everywhere including their worldwide office located at

Buckingham Palace
1 The Mall
United Kingdom

There is even an BnL underwater hotel in the Pacific Trench! It really is a fantastic site and a hat-tip to the creators. This is really a Pixar geeks dream site. Fantastic job all over. A BnL store is coming soon so stay tuned!

Last modified: July 27, 2007