
Pixar Fandom Recognized in Bay Citizen Article!

Fandom News Pixar

Oftentimes, Pixar fans are seen as merely a niche market in the ocean of Disney aficionados from decades past.

More recently, sites like Pixar Planet have shown that the Lamp does in fact have a very specific (and extremely dedicated) fanbase. Our deep and varied interests in the Emeryville studio have been profiled in an article by Andy Wright over at The Bay Citizen.

In this piece, Wright gave me the opportunity to speak about the studio and offer some personal experience. You’ll notice that topics from the Pixar Planet forums are dissected, other Pixar fansites are mentioned and quotes from yours truly are found throughout. I believe this is the first article of its kind to give such an overview of our unique fandom.

Give it a read over at The Bay Citizen.

Your thoughts?

Last modified: July 29, 2011