
Ratatouille and Cars

News Pixar Ratatouille

There has been a tad bit of hype about Pixar’s next film, Ratatouille.

With the release of the teaser trailer online and at the cinemas it has been pretty exciting! However, We were all expecting a cast list. But we haven’t got one. What’s going on in the land of Disney/Pixar that has kept them from releasing a cast list to us?

Does this have to do with the troubles they had at the beginning of the year and that is why Brad Bird and Bob Peterson took over directing this furry film? Or was it because of the merer with Disney?

Well to this I say…WHO CARES! I trust Pixar and their decisions. Holding this back from us will possibily end up for the better anyway. I love a bit of mystery. How about you?

We have specualted over cast members and from the teaser we have come to a general consensus that Brad Bird is the waiter and Patton Oswalt is Ratatouille. Who’s the fat rat and dad? I guess we will have to wait and see.

John Ratzenberger has been recording his dialogue. ComingSoon has an exclusive interview with John.

CS: Has Pixar already had you do your voice for their next movie, “Ratatouille,” and can you tell us who you’ll play?
Ratzenberger: Yeah, they’re still recording, but not yet. I’ll surprise you. I’m called John Ratzenberger for god’s sake. Rat was my nickname from third grade.

CS: Have you been practicing a French accent in case you need to do one for the movie?
Ratzenberger: Well, I spent some time over there, so I won’t need to practice.

Very interesting indeed. I can’t wait for the trailer for Ratatouille! Sooo exciting.

But for now we have the Cars DVD to look forward too!

On another note, Box Office Mojo has given a weekend estimate for Cars, with a gross domestic intake of $62,800,000. Even though it received a wider release than Pixar’s last movie The Incredibles and opened in 600 more theatres than Finding Nemo, their only other summer release, it earned less money than both those movies, which each opened over $70 million. It’s currently the fourth-highest opening movie of 2006. Even though it hasn’t done better than The Incredibles or Finding Nemo, I think this is still a VERY VERY amazing effort! I still stand by my opinion that a movie shouldn’t be judged if it is good or bad by its box office intakes. GO CARS!

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Have a great day!

Last modified: June 12, 2006