
Ross on Toy Story 3: "We're Going for Best Picture!"

Awards News Toy Story 3

If you’ve seen Toy Story 3‘s emerging "For Your Consideration" campaign, you’ve got an idea of Pixar’s awards show ambition.

In a recent interview with Deadline, Walt Disney Studios Chairman Rich Ross confirms the Lamp’s Best Picture aspirations. "If not this year, and not this movie, when?"

The studio plans to use toungue-in-cheek marketing, poking fun at the fact that no animated film has ever won the Academy’s top prize. "Never Since Shakespeare in Love" reads the above ad. Other winners of the Academy’s top prize, such as Forrest Gump, Titanic and Lord of the Rings, are set to be spoofed.

Ross says Disney plans to approach the campaign differently than they did with Up, which was nominated last year for Best Picture. Unlike Pixar’s 10th, Toy Story 3‘s Best Picture bid will be featured more prominently on forthcoming promotional material.

Your thoughts?

Last modified: November 17, 2010