
Afterworks 2 – "The Sag-Dig"

News Pixar

Ted Mathot, author and artist of Rose and Isabel from E-Ville Press and Pixar animator, has posted the latest sketch of his character, the Sag-Dig, on his blog, Current Flavor, where he posts…

“things that aren’t directly related to my comic Rose and Isabel.”

I’m not going to the post the picture here, your going to have to go here to see it for yourself as it looks better in the design of his blog.

The Sag-Dig is a mythical creature I had read about years ago in a book on symbols. The description was “a white dog with yellow eyes represents the unexplained”. So the story will be based on that. says Ted.

Personally, I can’t wait to see this guy in a comic. He looks very cool!

Last modified: November 9, 2005