
"Borat Iger" Interviews Steve Jobs

News Pixar

Animated News points out that The Motley Fool has a very funny article with Ali G’s fictional Kazakstani reporter, Borat, interviewing figures in the financial world.

The MF describes the scene here…

In this scene, Borat is played by Bob Iger, CEO of Disney (NYSE: DIS – News). Previously, Pixar CEO Steve Jobs and former Disney CEO Michael Eisner had fiercely clashed over Disney and Pixar’s distribution deal. It is believed Iger was promoted to facilitate the Pixar/Disney relationship.

The short scene is quite entertaining. Have a read here.

P.S. Sorry I haven’t been around these past few days. A recent earthquake in Taiwan snapped several cables causing Internet outages across Asia, including Norfolk Island where I am currently holidaying.

Last modified: December 30, 2006