
Racetrack may get a sneak peek of Cars

News Pixar

The Charlotte Observer via Route 66 News reports that H.A. “Humpy” Wheeler and his Lowe’s Motor Speedway are negotiating to hold a May 26 screening of Pixar’s Cars.

R66N says….

The screening would be two days before the track hosts the Coca-Cola 600. The movie officially opens on June 9.

The article also says…

If the track landed the premiere, it would transform the track into a big outdoor theater, similar to premieres held in New York’s Central Park, track spokesman Jerry Gappens said. (The event probably would be invitation-only.)

Gappens said Wheeler got involved through his connection with Pixar co-founder John Lasseter, director of “Cars,” both “Toy Story” movies and “A Bug’s Life.”

Lasseter apparently is a big racing fan and has been Wheeler’s guest at the track. Wheeler has an original drawing by Lasseter of Woody, cowboy hero of the “Toy Story” movies, in his office.

R66N also points out that there may be plans in the works to hold early premieres of Cars in a few select cities on Route 66.

Last modified: March 3, 2006