The above video was taken at DisneyWorld and the videos creator said…
I was entirely psyched to get to sit right next to the fish tank. I then looked and noticed, along with the plethora of regal blue tangs and yellow tangs, a lone percula clownfish up in the corner. I started filming him, and it was then our waiter informed us that he had a withered fin on his right side.
Thanks PixarAficionado.
Last modified: November 28, 2007
I really like this blog
but when i see stuff like this
i just want to scream
its not nemo!!!!!!!
and its not pixar
i wnat to see pixar NEWS
not a video about a fish ive seen milllions of times
You see, it’s a slow news day and little things like this, a lot of people enjoy. It’s just a bit of fun to pass the time till real news comes along. How many fish do you know that are Clownfish and have a gimpy fin and hang around Blue Tangs?
….And live at DisneyWorld?
Heheh. Awesome find. I want that Nemo. 🙂
Thank god. Does that mean we can all stop looking finally?
hahaha! Touché fett101!
Ha! How ironic is that?
Thanks for the video, dude.
— Mitch
Aww, its cute! ^_^ I love fishies!
I have two clown fish at home, but all they do is mate everyday. >_< We also have a pufferfish who is blind in one eye and has a bad back. We have a heart for the "Nemo" kind of fishes.
V.M.L.- aww poor pufferfish! That pufferfish should get acupuncture for that bad back.
I think that’s cool how Nemo is a bit grown up now and lives in a tank at DisneyWorld. He’s probably gonna try to escape with that filter trick. wink wink