
UK Gala Ratatouille Premiere


Ben Watt was fortunate enough to attend the UK Gala Premiere of Ratatouille on the 19th of August and has reported on the events at his blog.

So anyway, the film was introduced by Pixar’s Dylan Brown who was the Supervising Animator for Ratatouille, and has been animating with Pixar since ‘A Bug’s Life’. There’s an interview here by ‘The List’ magazine related to this premiere. Dylan seemed to be equally as enthusiastic about being able to introduce the film as he was with his time spent in Scotland over the last week.

says Ben.

You can read Ben’s full report here and he even has an image showing where the Pizza Planet Truck is located, which was pointed out by Dylan Brown during a 20 minute presentation after the movie which you can also read about in his post. Sounds like it was a lot of fun. Thanks Ben!

Last modified: August 21, 2007