
Victor Navone Interview

News Pixar, the coolest place on the web for animators of all kinds to hang out and chat with other animators, has just posted an interview with Pixar’s Victor Navone.

Victor has worked on Monster’s Inc, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, and is also the creator of The Alien Song.

Victor talks about how he got started in animation and also answers such questions as…

Being a Pixar Animator, you are well aware that its one of the most coveted positions in the animation industry. Most people would love to work there, but only a select few get to. What sets Pixar Animators apart from the rest? Obviously talent is a major factor but how much does creativity/work ethic/timing/etc. factor in?

What does your average day at Pixar consist of?

It is hard to ignore the success you had with your short “Alien Song” in 1999. Pixar phoned you to see if you wanted a job. What are the chances of something like that happening in nowadays? Could it still happen?

It is a really great interview and yet again have outdone themselves in getting to talk to Victor.

Click the image at the top to read the amazing 4 page interview.

Last modified: May 15, 2006