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Sneak Preview of WALL•E Screened in Oregon - Upcoming Pixar


Sneak Preview of WALL•E Screened in Oregon


OregonLive.com‘s Shawn Levy, received a report from someone, which detailed the events that took place a sneak peak screening of WALL-E in Oregon on Monday.

Monday evening a few friends and I saw what I presume was one of the first test screenings of Wall-E at the Lloyd Center. John Lassater was sitting behind us.
Pixar has done it again. I never saw Cars, didn’t have much interest, yet I feel I should now see it at least once. Ratatouille was simply lovely and Wall-E is just as good if not better in it’s own special way.

says the anonymous reporter. The reporter than goes on to explain that a lot of it is still rough and full of storyboarded sequences with temp music. However the reporter also confirms that Fred Willard does indeed appear in the film in live action form.

There are no real story spoilers, so if you are game, have a mosey on over to OregonLive.com and read the report.

Last modified: November 1, 2007