
First Public Screening of Up!

News UP

Last Thursday marks the first time the general public saw a full version of Pixar’s latest, Up!

Screened in Boston and Minneapolis, the film was so new, it didn’t even have credits! It did have heavy security around to make sure no piracy was committed. This is according to reports by Minnesota public radio which claim "security folks watched as the movie was erased from the server, and the drive was handcuffed again to the minder [after it was over.]" Pixar, as usual, is keeping very secretive about their upcoming feature.

MPR "Movie Natters" call the movie "quite breathtaking" and mini reviews on sites like Twitter are saying that Pixar’s 10th film is really enjoyable! Read more about the first ever presentation of Up for general audiences (and it’s challenges) here.

We’ll keep you posted on any preview screenings happening around the nation. I suspect there will be quite a few of them!

(via MPR)

Last modified: April 11, 2009