
WALL•E Trailer Attached To National Teasure 2? [Updated]

News Pixar Rumors Trailer WALL-E

JV Pixar News reports a source tells him that the theatrical trailer for WALL•E will be attached to National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets later this month in the US on the 21st. His source says, “It’s not attached, but enclosed in the can.” which it’s like a Pixar short and attached to the reel. I take this as Disney making sure we all see the trailer if we see NT2.

Also the source reveals that the trailer doesn’t show it all, but rather keeps us guessing. Hearing this it makes me think Cloverfield, the mystery monster movie due out in January. The marketing styles used between WALL•E and Cloverfield are very similar. Both have used viral websites, and both have had mysterious trailers that keep us guessing.

Not that I am doubting the integrity of JV’s source, and I’m not saying I don’t believe what they are saying, but a contact of mine doesn’t know of any theatrical trailer for WALL•E yet. All I am saying is don’t get your hopes up. It seem Australia (me!), Hungary and Puerto Rico will be the first countries to know. I’ll be there opening day so I shall report back anything I find out.

UPDATE: This source seems to lose its credibility as each hour goes by. Still be on the lookout however for a trailer with NT2. The timing seems off to me. I’m putting my money on February/March. National Treasure 2 does seem to be the only Disney release suited for this movie before The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian in May. Other options include Horton Hears A Who! and The Spiderwick Chronicles. What are your thoughts?

Last modified: December 5, 2007