
More Up at NYCC

News UP

When you thought the flood of Up news coming from New York would end, another wave hits!

I’ll be brief and to the point in saying that /Film has an extremely spoilerific post covering the plot synopsis of the first 45 minutes of Up. I strongly suggest you only read the first few paragraphs and the last two paragraphs (featuring praise and the such) and watch the video (pretty much safe from spoilers) because it is an extremely explicit post and reading it would spoil a huge chunk of the movie. I have opted out of reading it, but if you choose to, don’t say I didn’t warn you!!

Secondly, Cinema Blend brings us an interview with Up director Pete Docter and producer Jonas Rivera. They talk about the inspiration and tehcnical challenges behind Up and much more. The round table doesn’t have many significant spoilers, but if you want to veer away from them, read the questions beforehand. The Q&A is located here.

That’s all for now, folks!

(Segment one via TPB)

Last modified: February 8, 2009