
Pixar's Got All the Movie Bloggers Talking!

News UP

Peter Sciretta from Slash Film has a conversation with Collider‘s "Frosty" about the first 45… sorry… 46:17 minutes of Up that they screened at The Walt Disney Studios.

The first half is spoiler free and features endless praise. They point out that the trailers may be out of context and that the actual film is much different than what you see in the clips. The rest is spoilerific, but the bloggers warn you before hand so don’t be afraid to read the post or watch the webchat. I’m really liking how seemingly everyone is already calling this movie a masterpiece (but it’s Pixar, what do you expect?), it just gets me that much more excited.

I stopped watching at about the halfway point so that I wouldn’t spoil the movie too much for me, but you are free to watch as much as you want, of course I don’t recommend it.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you, there be spoilers ahead…

P.S. The title of this essay is a reference to my previous posts featuring many prominent movie bloggers.

Last modified: February 16, 2009