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Toy Story Website Updated/TS/2 in 3D Trailer Online This Tuesday - Upcoming Pixar


Toy Story Website Updated/TS/2 in 3D Trailer Online This Tuesday

News Official Website Online Toy Story Toy Story 2 Toy Story 3 Trailer

The Toy Story website has gone through metamorphosis quite a few times throughout the years.

Now it’s time for yet another change, this time for promoting the Toy Story/Toy Story 2 in 3D Double Feature (TS/TS2 in 3D) that’ll be playing in theatres nationwide in less than 70 days!! The page itself prominently features a countdown for the two week only limited engagement. Below it you’ll see a notice that says a trailer will premiere online this Tuesday, July 28th.

As a nice touch you’ll also find a Little Green Man on the page wearing the three lensed 3D glasses, iconic to the campaign. Wondering where the cool Toy Story 3 preview site has gone? Just click on the Toy Story 3 trailer icon to direct you there. Expect both sites to get a bunch of cool updates as we get closer and closer to TS/TS2 in 3D and of course the highly anticipated brand new installment in the series!

Note: I still have not seen G-Force in theatres so I can’t confirm or deny if the trailer for TS/TS2 in 3D is attached. That said I don’t know if waiting until July 28th is the only option to see the trailer. Comment if you’ve been fortunate enough to see it in theatres or at Comic-Con. Speaking of, coverage coming right up.

Last modified: July 24, 2009