
Up For Your Consideration Ad: A Hug

News UP

As the image to the right exquisitely portrays, a hug is one of the most personal displays of affection between friends.

Appropriately, the latest For Your Consideration cover ad found in The Hollywood Reporter targets acquaintances, the fine folks who vote in the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, some of which are Pixarians themselves. Yet again, Pixar proves that they know how to affect human emotion, not only with feature length narratives but in a still image. The touching moment highlighted this time is from the closing sequence of Up when Russell’s quest for the ‘Helping the Elderly’ badge is fulfilled by a renewed Carl.

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case it’s Best Picture, the words we’ve been wanting to hear for some time now. It seems more and more likely that Up will get that nomination as picks from major awards come in, such as today’s PGA. This FYC ad cleverly takes those nominations and zeros in on what would be a monumental landmark for a CGI animated feature, which in my opinion, is worthy of more than just a hug! Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is commonly known as the only animated film nominated for Best Picture, I have a feeling that will change come February.

Fun observation: The ads in The Hollywood Reporter (like the one above) focus on Carl and Russell’s friendship while the Variety ads tend to target Carl and Ellie’s relationship.

What is your opinion of this year’s Oscar campaign from Disney/Pixar? I feel it’s the most elaborate and touching yet, let’s hope it works!

(via The Pixar Blog)

Last modified: January 5, 2010