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'Brave' Website Receives Major Update! - Upcoming Pixar


'Brave' Website Receives Major Update!

Brave News Online

The official Brave website received major updates today including extensive character descriptions and stunning illustrations.

Leading up to another highly anticipated trailer, Disney/Pixar has re-vamped the teaser page for the studio’s latest epic. Brand new character shots (with corresponding bios) will surely be the stand out feature to visitors new and old, but don’t forget to check out the "About" tab as well. What might come off as a simple description page (as has been largely the case in the studio’s previous promo pages) actually harbors a 2D ‘storybook’ illustrating Brave‘s set-up.

Take a peek at the website here.

A new trailer is expected to hit the internet in two days.
Brave opens in the US on June 22.

Your thoughts?

Last modified: February 21, 2012