Editor in Chief

The first trailer for Soul is here!

News Soul Trailer

And it is gorgeous!

“What would you want to be known for on earth? We only have a short time on this planet. You want to become the person that you were born to be? Don’t waste your time on all the junk of life. Spend your precious hours doing what will bring out the real you; the brilliant, passionate you that’s ready to contribute something meaningful into this world.”
That’s Jamie Foxx’s distinctive voice-over in this new trailer. Gorgeous shots of New York City dominate, as gangly Joe Gardner goes about his day. And it turns out, it’s simultaneously the best day of his life – and the last. With jazzy music and piano undercutting his words, we’re already fully immersed in his world and his mind. He excitedly asks for a haircut because he finally got his dream gig. He avoids pins on the sidewalk, banana peels, even a speeding motorcycle, before he falls into a manhole. Already these few minutes illustrate what we learned about the theme of Soul just yesterday – how we can be so consumed by art to the detriment of everything else.

After his body whooshes downward into the manhole, Joe is transformed into a glowing bluish-green version of himself, his soul. The cityscape is replaced by a vast starry expanse. And there Joe is joined by 22, who speaks with Tina Fey’s unmistakable voice.

Pixar fully convinced me with Inside Out about the way our emotions work, and I’m really eager to see how they portray the inner workings of the soul. This trailer seems to have just enough humor and is also fully grounded in the day to day to balance out the metaphysical.
There’s also a gorgeous poster too!

Be sure to let us know what you think and your own theories! Soul will be released on June 19th, 2020.

Tags: , Last modified: November 7, 2019

Simoa (Elliefredricksen) is Editor in Chief of Upcoming Pixar and an aspiring Pixar heroine. She joined Upcoming Pixar in 2014 and is always excited to see how her favorite animation studio changes and grows.