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Toy Story Series Website Updated! New Links; Character Poses - Upcoming Pixar


Toy Story Series Website Updated! New Links; Character Poses

News Official Website Online Toy Story Toy Story 2 Toy Story 3

Opening Note: This post is meant for easy browsing but you can go ahead and navigate by yourself if you wish. The official website of the Toy Story series has been updated again!

Now instead of just being a countdown with an eager Little Green Man, it’s a full fledged site dedicated to Toy Story, Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3 as well as related books and products.

You’ll find the typical links found on movie promotions online. The Toy Story 3 and Toy Story/Toy Story 2 in 3D trailers are in the Videos section alongside select Toy Story Treats minisodes. As you may remember, the TS/TS2 sections were separated from the TS3 section, in this update, it is now blended with the whole of the page! The character scrolling area is now in the Characters section. Each of the protagonists from the first two films have bios and download links, some even have new character poses. In The Movies section, you’ll find the synopsis for each film in the series.

The site also serves as a hub for Toy Story merchandise and miscellanea. Books and Products are separate sections but both are similarly set up to include the new toys and collectibles available based on Toy Story. The upcoming Toy Story Mania! game for the Wii and Toy Story: The Art and Making of the Film book are featured. Only one visible section is unavailable, the Games area.

Just a thought, the idea of the site seems very similar to the updated Cars page, probably because they are both expanding franchises. Expect there to be much, much more coming soon in the next few months!

Last modified: August 21, 2009